what “x” are you waiting for?


I recently did a silent retreat in India, and one lesson .. stunned me. 

The teacher said we’re all making a big mistake. We live as i + x = c. The ‘i’ is us, ‘c’ is contentment, and ‘x’ — is what we’re waiting for. To be happy.

What’s your 'x'?

Maybe you think you’ll be happy if you get a bigger apartment. Find true love. Write a book. Make more money. Have more friends or fame or influence.

The thing is, that “x” never ends. A friend of mine had a plane. But he was miserable because his friends (in Silicon Valley :)) had bigger planes. So he started another company, worked nonstop, made a gazillion dollars .. and guess what? He still wants more.

My teachers at Z Meditation in Dharamshala understood that having an “x” means putting off your happiness. A happiness you could be feeling NOW.

What if you DECIDED to be happy now? Grateful for what you have?

You can still be ambitious and grow your company or project, your families or kindness or whatever you want to grow :) .. and you also can CHOOSE to be satisfied with what you have.

It may be good health. One great family member or friend. It might be having four walls around you even if they’re not displaying the finest art .. or poster :-).

You could choose to be grateful you’re alive. A chance to live a life. You could be happy you have one minute of free time to walk around the block, whatever the temperature outside. You could be thankful you have the chance to smile at someone during your walk and to make their day better. You could focus on how happy you are .. to sleep at night in a bed that’s indoors. 

I invite you .. today and this week .. to open your mindfulness to what your ‘x’ is. And then .. to play with letting it go.

There will always be another ‘x.’ But we don’t want it to stop us .. from enjoying today. And being grateful for this hour. This moment. And this chance to smile — simply because you can.

With love,


The Conversation Hack of 2023


How to meditate on your own (without an app!)