The Path

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Open to Possibilities by Lori Baker

by Meditation Teacher Training graduate Lori Baker

My partner and I took an impromptu road trip from Phoenix to Los Angeles recently to get out of the heat and relax on the beach for a few days. We forgot how long a drive it was, and when we finally arrived at our beach house we were exhausted.

We decided that on our return we would pit stop in Palm Springs - not only to break up the drive, but because I wanted to check out the Korakia Pensione, the place that the New York Times calls “one of the sexiest hotels in America”.

This boho Moroccan oasis in the desert has been on my “must see” list for years. Brian was just happy to break up the trip and trusted my selection, but for me it meant much more.

The Korakia Pensione resort.

So as much as were saddened to leave the cool temperatures and funky beach town were staying in, we were ready to check out the “sexy” resort in Palm Springs.

The Mediterranean style resort looked exactly like the photos, and we were welcomed with Moroccan iced tea and big smiles.

Our Nomad Suite was stunning and the a/c was blasting, which made us very happy.

It was 110 degrees and stifling hot, so after a yummy fish taco lunch we made our way to the pool. There are actually 2 pools on the property, so we selected the one that had the most shade and plopped down on some chaise lounge chairs.

The crowd was eclectic and mostly friendly and consisted of Instagram influencers, fashion models and photographers, and tourists taking advantage of the summer rates. Brian made friends with everyone in the pool while I sat in the shade, taking it all in. It was a happy moment.

The resort is especially gorgeous in the evening, when the sun sets and the fire pits are lit, the candles are glowing all over the property, and the lit Moroccan lanterns are hanging from every tree. It was quite spectacular.

While we were exploring the property, we noticed someone laying out yoga mats in front of a beautiful fountain and went over to investigate. Apparently, as part of their summer series program the resort holds a meditation class on Wednesday nights. The teacher was very nice and I was excited to be able to sit in meditation in this beautiful place … only nobody else showed up.

As a recent grad of The Path’s Meditation Teacher Training Program, I teach classes and meditate daily. I didn’t want the teacher to stay for only me, so she left.

But as we walked away, a couple of young women (Jess and Brit) approached us and asked where the meditation class was being held. They though it was in a location across the street, which is why they were so late. We had to tell them that the class was canceled because nobody showed up. They were so disappointed.

We were all hanging out and chatting with each other when Brian suggested that I teach the class (since I lead classes in Phoenix), and both Jess and Brit let out a loud “YES”!

So, I guided our small group in meditation in front of the beautiful fountain at one of the “sexiest hotels in America”. Jess and Brit told me how relaxed they felt after the meditation and how grateful they were for the experience.

And if that wasn’t enough, we are all now digital friends and hope to meet up again someday soon.

I guess the moral of this story is that beautiful things happen when you are open to possibilities.