The Path

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Wellbeing in the Workplace

Speaking to a group of European entrepreneurs about the importance of balance and wellbeing at work

Everyone is stressed now.

But there is good news.

Just as our untrained minds can spin in circles, worrying about the past and future — we can also train our minds to be more focused, balanced and calm.

When we train our minds we don’t get worse at work — we get better! We become more productive, more efficient and more thoughtful. We don’t take calls we don’t need to join. We cancel meetings that aren’t a good use of our time. Instead we become more strategic with our schedule and better able to focus on, for example, that big project that will be a huge win.

At The Path we have corporate meditation programs to bring meditation to your team or division or an entire company. Check them out here: Or you can email us to schedule something custom for your company, at

Sample Meditation :: Mindfulness

To do this I think meditation is a great first step. Because it brings a level of equanimity to the mind that makes it easier for us to think strategically rather than just knocking items endlessly off a to-do list. A simple meditation you can do today if you don’t already have a practice is a mindfulness meditation. You start by bringing your attention to the sensations of the breath as the breath comes in and out of your nostrils. Just notice to yourself, not out loud but in your mind’s eye — what do I feel? What are all of the sensations around my inhale - does it feel cool or warm? Rushed or relaxed? Tingly? Then notice all of the sensations around the exhale. When your mind wanders, just smile to yourself that you’ve noticed this and bring your attention back to the breath. Even a minute or two of this a day can be so helpful and healing!

Common Problems Meditation Solves

There are so many benefits to meditation it’s tough to know where to begin! But here is a start:

When you’re stressed out

When you feel stress, it’s hard to make good decisions. Often you can feel the tension in your body. Meditation can release that stress and actually reduce the production of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body. Take a moment to close your eyes and focus all your attention on the feeling of the breath coming in and out of your nostrils. Examine what that sensation feels like. After ten minutes you’ll feel better.

Before an important conversation

If you’re heading into a big meeting with your boss, or an important conversation with a loved one, you’ll have a clearer head - and a better conversation - if you take a few moments to meditate first. I recommend sitting in a quiet spot and simply being aware of everything around you. Notice sounds, smells, and also how you feel. This will relax you and also help you pick up non-verbal signals during the conversation.

When making a big decision

Our minds are so full of clutter, it’s often hard to tap into our intuition - which almost always has the right answer for us. To get away from living in the “should" - and towards living in the truth, I suggest sitting quietly for twenty minutes before a big decision. Notice your thoughts by asking yourself, “What am I thinking now?” And then, bring your attention back to the sensation of your breath. As much as you can, focus, very lightly and with a smile, on your breath. During this time the right answer will likely come to you quite clearly.

To Focus  

Mindfulness meditation changes the brain, making it easier to focus. You can start on this path by practicing the breath-focused exercise above. When your mind wanders, don’t be hard on yourself, but simply watch your thoughts float away like a cloud and then bring your attention back to the sensation of the breath coming in and out of your nostrils. After just eight week of doing this you’ll notice it becomes much easier to focus not just during meditation but all day.

When entering a difficult situation

Compassion meditation helps us rise above difficult situations. Before a tough conversation, I suggest spending ten minutes repeating silently to yourself, “May I be happy, may I be peaceful, may I live with ease.” Then spend ten minutes focusing outward, “May you be happy, may you be peaceful, may you live with ease.” When you do this regularly, it’s hard to get mad. I find myself having compassion for whatever makes someone act badly, and wanting to send them love to heal their pain.

Another Tool :: Positive Psychology

We can train our minds through meditation. And also through positive psychology. Together this can be a game-changer for how you feel and how you show up at work. At The Path, we are proud to have programs for this. You can check them out here. And if there’s something not listed that appeals to you about wellness and/or meditation and/or reducing stress, please reach out to us at, and we can customize something for you. We love doing this and helping people feel less stressed and happier even after just one hour or 90 minutes. Let’s talk!