What makes you happy?


I used to be desperate to fit in. I wanted the Jordache jeans when the cool kids had them and cherished my Benetton shirt when that was all the rage.

Now I am constantly asking myself - want do you want? What makes you happy?

Before heading to this horse ranch they sent a list of 18 things we had to buy - because we'd be riding 4 hours each morning.

Cowboy hat was one of them. I could have gotten a normal one. But I looked around and found one with little rhinestones all over it. It looked playful, fun, and a  bit ridiculous. I bought it. I didn't know if I'd have the courage to wear it.

But each day I put on my standard cowgirl jeans, my standard cowgirl plaid top, and my shiny silly hat. And I loved myself more each day for wearing it and owning it - and celebrating the weird, the funny and the silly within me - and I hope you celebrate all that makes you unique too - even now, especially now, rhinestones or not. 🐴


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