How To Handle Angry People and Stress

photo: courtesy of Shutterstock

photo: courtesy of Shutterstock

Right now the path to happiness is not always easy.

People are stressed. And not always acting as their best self.

One thing we can do is open up our peripheral vision. SEE how much you can view if you stop - and appreciate all in front of you, including to the far left and right of your vision. Enjoy the near-180 degree view of your world.

Anything negative that happens can now seem like a small blip amidst the spaciousness of your consciousness. Let that dip happen. And let the vast beauty around you raise you up.

We can hold so much in our mental space. And we can choose to be friendly, and kind, even when others are not.

This is our choice. This is our freedom. Take it. Happy weekend everyone, and enjoy the choice to live lightly.


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