This will prompt a smile...

Here's something to bring into your day TODAY .. from a moment yesterday:

The President swore in hundreds of new appointees. He said:

"If you're ever working with me, and I hear you treating another colleague with disrespect, talking down to someone, I will fire you on the spot."

I felt my eyes tear up. Because we are all carrying so much stress.

Stress from .. everything.

With that, it is easy to see THROUGH people. He was speaking about colleagues, but it's easy to take out stress on the people closest to us .. and strangers too.

Perhaps it is someone delivering food, a customer service agent, even someone smiling at you on the street.

We see through them, focused on our goal. We want our food, we want a trip refunded, we want to enjoy a walk on our own.

But the truth is .. each of us wants to be SEEN.

We are human. We want to be acknowledged.

The person delivering food probably has a lot on their mind. The customer service agent is dealing with emotions all day. That person on the street may not have interacted with another human for days - or weeks or more.

What if we saw, and took a moment to appreciate, the HUMANITY in each person we interact with? What if we connected, with a warm smile, with the folks we pass on the street?

We are sharing humanity. We can bring kindness into our lives. We have the power and freedom to make someone feel better, and the reality is — when we do this, WE feel a lift, and a warm smile, within us.

We are social creatures, and we can choose compassion and humanity in our interactions. It is one of the simple pleasure we can enjoy, even now.

Try it today, and let me know how it goes. And — how it makes you feel.

With love,


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