/ pronounced SONG-ha /
a Sanskrit word meaning ‘community’
Mela Sangha :: Insider Page
Welcome to your community of peers. Thanks for leading your group!
Monthly Sangha Schedule
It’s easiest to use Zoom for these meetings, as the “breakout room” feature will work well for the one-on-ones.
0:00 - 0:02: Leader welcomes everyone.
0:02 - 0:22: Open with a silent 20-minute meditation.
0:22 - 0:30: One-on-one check in with one other member of the sangha.
0:30 - 1:00: Each person shares a check-in on health, relationships, family, work, spirituality/meditation practice (approximately 3 minutes a person).
1:00 - 1:10: One person is in the “hot seat” to share, vulnerably, the biggest issue they’re facing personally or professionally, and seek real, tangible advice and feedback from the rest of the group.
1:10 - 1:30: Moderator guides an open conversation with helpful feedback for the person in the hot seat.
Feel free to gently and thoughtfully interrupt someone if the feedback feels off in any way: too long, too negative, etc.
As a general guideline, please make sure that no feedback goes beyond 2 minutes.
Try, as much as possible, to guide the feedback to be helpful, positive, and tangible.
You as the moderator are welcome to contribute during this section as well. Please just make sure that you don’t go on longer than 2 minutes at a time (note: it is helpful to time yourself).
1:30 - 1:40: Go around and praise what you admire about the person in the hot seat.
Helpful Moderator Tips
All aspects of the sangha, (including every word spoken) are always, 100% off the record, and should not even be spoken about by members of the sangha outside of the formal gathering.
Please keep your phone off during the sangha, unless you’re timing the meditation, and practice active listening.
Please feel free to gently and kindly interrupt people if they give you the sense that they are speaking for too long.
You set the tone, so we encourage you to listen attentively, make eye contact with each member of the sangha, smile, and avoid distractions.
If something feels boring to you, it's probably boring to others. Please gently encourage whoever is speaking to give someone else a chance to speak up. Try to make sure everyone remains interested and engaged throughout the sangha.
We’re here to support you. Reach us at sit@thepath.com.
“What you will find [at The Path] is humor, explanations in plain English and tips to deal with stressful situations every New Yorker can relate to — like how to mindfully approach an overflowing email inbox — with nary a Buddha statue in sight. And that’s appealing to high-powered clients who steer clear of nonsense.”
"The Path is not the meditation of a Buddhist monk looking to transcend the cycle of life and death — though some of the techniques are the same. Nor is it the meditation of hippies surrounded by free love and ganja. Instead, the program aims to teach a system of mental focus meant to make successful New Yorkers even more successful.”
About The Path
The Path is meditation for the modern mind. We've hosted weekly meditations since 2014 and taught thousands of people to meditate in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, at SXSW, Sundance, Flow Japan and events around the world. We run a certificate Teacher Training Program, a certificate Mindful Leadership course and book launches for major teachers and authors including Matthieu Ricard, Robert Thurman, Shinzen Young and Culadasa.
We believe meditation can be accessible and taught in beautiful, fun environments.