A commitment to your path.

Join together each month online in happy sangha (the Buddhist term for community) with a master teacher — to prepare and get the most out of Mela and also to bring more presence, peacefulness, and joy into your daily life now.

  • Share how you're doing & enjoy being in community with other Mela retreaters

  • Learn Buddhist wisdom each month from world-renowned instructor Will Kabat-Zinn or Trudy Goodman about how to move away from suffering and towards joy — applicable in your daily life now

  • Meditate together each month, guided by Will or Trudy

  • Enjoy a new meditation technique to practice each month (if you don't already have a daily practice)

  • Enjoy a monthly mindfulness challenge each month

  • Gatherings are held virtually on Tuesday evenings (ET), once a month from January 2023 - June 2024.

Join Us

Sale Price: $1,000.00 Original Price: $1,200.00

Or you can choose monthly payments of $200:

$200.00 every month for 6 months

Liability Waiver: You agree to indemnify and hold The Path and its teachers harmless from and against any and all damages, costs, claims or demands, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising from or relating to your use.
Cancellation/Refund Policy: You can cancel your membership at any time. You will only pay for the portion of the membership that you have used in accordance with our individual event cancellation policies.