The Path

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A simple thing to cheer your day

At the beginning of the pandemic, I started a ritual.

Each time I did it, it brought a smile to my face.

So I have decided to share it, at this time we are meant to give thanks.

I think of a random person in my life, even someone I haven’t spoken with in a year or more, and I send them a text. 

It’s something like: “Hey, just thinking of you and sending love. I appreciate your love for chocolate peanut butter ice cream, and I appreciate you.”

(Yes, put something specific in there so your friend knows this is personal and just for them!)  

I used to do 5 of these a day, each Sunday. 

My original inspiration was from an online course designed to speed up people's path to enlightenment, called Finders Course. In the program, they suggest choosing a day and doing 5 random acts of kindness that day.

At first I thought this was to put out good energy in the world and to cultivate kindness.

I quickly realized you do this for YOU. Because after doing five unprompted acts of kindness, you think you’re pretty awesome! You fall a little more in love with yourself. 

I’ve now hacked this advice and try to do a random act of kindness (or two) every other day.

And if something triggers me, or I’m in a bad mood, I’ll send a sweet text to someone, totally out of the blue.

I’ve found it's hard to stay in a bad mood if you do something as playful, happy and silly as this.

So, I’m excited to share this — and if you do it, please let me know how it goes. How it’s received and even more importantly how you feel when you write and send it.

AND since we’re heading into the holidays, if you want to give the gift of zen (to someone or yourself), we at The Path have some happy zen-prompting meditative presents to offer:

  1. You can gift someone a personal meditation session here. (This is also a nice thing to do because you’re hiring one of our meditation teacher training graduates!)

  2. You can schedule an online meditation for your company or team, a non-profit you’re involved in or a group of friends here. People LOVE these and emerge feeling happy, calm and centered (yes, even now).

  3. You can gift an online intro-to-meditation course here - or email us to set this up for someone who can benefit from a lil’ calm. (

  4. We can also customize meditation offerings for people in your world - just email us at

And sending love to you. I know this year has been a lot. Be easy to yourself and do something fun today, if even for a minute or two (I like to dance to happy pop music - but do whatever you enjoy - you deserve it)!

Socially distant hugs and so much love,
