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My Healing Journey: Meditation and Cancer

Once treatment began, I knew I had to slow down. I not only had to slow my body down, but also my mind. I had to stop going, going, going. No more full steam ahead. I could not ignore and push my way through this. I knew I had to start making a mind body connection like never before.

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Caitlyn Thiele Caitlyn Thiele

The Conversation Hack of 2023

Being a great conversationalist is a superpower. 
If you can engage people in conversation with charm and ease, you are a gift to your friends — and everyone you meet.

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Caitlyn Thiele Caitlyn Thiele

what “x” are you waiting for?

My teachers at Z Meditation in Dharamshala understood that having an “x” means putting off your happiness. A happiness you could be feeling NOW.

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